On the 30th of May 2017, University of Patras, the Lead partner, will held the first stakeholder group meeting of the GPP4Growth project, which will bring together representatives of local government and stakeholders’ institutions, including representatives of the region of Western Greece, mayoral authorities, chambers of commerce, public hospitals, business and industrial associations and academic and research centers.
The event will begin with a brief presentation about the GPP4Growth project goals given by the hosting partner and will be followed by presentations about GRASP and GRASPINNO: Green Public Procurement for Increased Energy Efficiency in Europe, which are Green Public Procurement projects led by the University of Patras and about the legal framework concerning the environmental criteria in public contracts in Greece. In the second part of the meeting there will be an open discussion concerning the role and contribution of stakeholders and future actions in the project.
1st meeting with stakeholders
09:30-10:00 Registration
10:00-10:15 GPP4Growth: Framework, Goals, Actions- Christos Bouras, professor of the Computer Engineering & Informatics Department, University of Patras
10:15-10:45 GRASP and GRASPINNO: Green Public Procurement for Increased Energy Efficiency in Europe- Georgios Stefanidis, Professor of the Civil Engineering Department, University of Patras
10:45-11:15 The Environmental Criteria in Public Contracts, Thomas Stavropoulos, Lawyer, MSc in Public Law by the University of Athens (UoA), Visiting Fellow (Harvard)
11:15-11:40 Coffee break
11:40-12:30 Participation of stakeholders in GPP4Growth- Open discussion