The second stakeholder meeting for the GPP4Growth project took place on October 5th 2017 in the 'Huis van de Sport' in Antwerp, Belgium. For the organization the Province cooperated with Green Deal Circular Procurement.

The head of the Environment Department of the Province of Antwerp welcomed the participants and explained the GPP4Growth project and our efforts on GPP. Vlaanderen Circulair and The Global Picture elaborated on the learning trajectory for circular procurement. VITO presented existing tools and instruments for circularity and LCA. Peter Perceval (Inspiring Speech) handed tools to help overcome resistance and convince all involved to participate in your project. The Global Picture showed a  live demo of the learning platform on circular procurement.
The long lunch break offered the opportunity for participants to gather around several topics and network and exchange ideas.

In the afternoon stakeholders could pick two workshops to attend: first one on food, on textile, or on circular and innovative public procurement law, then one on office, on ICT, or on
construction. All workshops started with a presentation of an actual case of circular procurement and then there was time for reflection and discussion in smaller groups followed by a plenary discussion in each workshop.