Consultancy brief
The Municipality of Ystad is commissioning consultancy support for the stakeholder engagement activities on the project. 
The consultant(s) will be required to work with all eight partners to:
•    identify relevant stakeholders for each region
•    plan suitable processes for stakeholder engagement and work with each partner to schedule stakeholder meetings
•    identify any risks to successful stakeholder engagement and develop contingency plans
•    make eight visits to partners between July 2017 and June 2019 to assist in planning and/or facilitating stakeholder meetings
•    promote the adoption of improved sustainable policies and practices
•    advise on resolving any issues which arise in the stakeholder engagement process
•    complete their work with the stakeholder groups by June 2019
•    summarise the outcomes of the stakeholder engagement in the partner regions in a report to the Project Steering Group (June – October 2019)
•    Present the report to the Project Steering Group in Ystad, currently scheduled for October 2019.
Consultancy work is due to commence in July 2017.  Most work will be completed by December 2019, with some continuing reporting responsibility to December 2021.

Skills and experience required
1)    Expertise and a strong track record in stakeholder engagement for publicly funded projects, ideally across several EU countries.

2)    Good experience of engaging a wide range of stakeholders including public bodies, large companies, SMEs, trade bodies and not-for-profit organisations.

3)    Experience of working on multi-partner projects across several European territories.

4)    Solid background in policy projects.

5)    Experience in successful planning and delivery of stakeholder events.

6)    Excellent facilitation and presentation skills in English.

7)    Experience of working with partners and stakeholders who are speakers of other languages, with interpretation where required.

8)    Knowledge of the film, TV and AVP industries

Ideally the consultant(s) will also be able to offer:

9)    Knowledge of sustainable good practice

10)    Experience of some of the territories or partners involved.

11)    Knowledge of European languages spoken in partner territories.

The value of the contract is ca €45,000, plus a travel and subsistence allowance of €4,500.  The consultant(s) are asked to indicate how much time will be allocated to each part of the work and how the budget will be divided.

Application process
Applicants should submit a detailed proposal including the following information:
•    Company profile and contact details
•    An explanation of how the consultant meets the requirements of the brief and specification, including examples of relevant former assignments
•    Summary CVs of the team member(s) who would work on this assignment and details of their role(s) within the company
•    An outline of how the contract fee would be allocated.

Please submit applications by email or post to arrive by 5pm on 18 May 2017, addressed to:
Petra Rundqvist
Ystads kommun
Nya Rådhuset
Email    [email protected]

Interviews are due to take place in the week commencing 7 June 2017.

Read the whole brief.