Foundation Cleantech Bulgaria hosted a virtual round table for knowledge transfer
Foundation Cleantech Bulgaria invited all GRESS partners on Nov 20th 2020 to a virtual round table for discussing good practices from the partner regions in the green economy. The workshop is the first of a series to improve the process of knowledge exchange and identification of good practices in the times of Covid-19 and to support the development of the regional action plan in Bulgaria.
Cleantech Bulgaria presented the Bulgarian context in terms of green economy and innovation, the targeted policy instrument – Operational Programme “Innovation and Competitiveness” 2014-2020 and the challenges that need to be tackled in the next programming period.
Through an interactive discussion with the use of Miro board, the partners shared their experience and knowledge about successful measures to support innovative green clusters and fast-growing companies in the regions, good practices on boosting and retaining entrepreneurship and attracting investments, industry platforms etc.
Cleantech Bulgaria works intensively with the inputs and when processed they will serve as a basis for further improvements. With the progress on the action plan, the team intends to organize more events of this type and to secure continuous feedback from the partners on the formulation of actions and thus increased knowledge exchange.