To the workshop organized by the Regional Directorate of Employment and Professional Qualification participated 38 people and the following institutions were represented:
- Regional Directorate of Science and Technology
- Regional Directorate for Fisheries
- Society for the Economic Development of the Azores
- Regional Fund for Science and Technology
- University of the Azores
- Employment and Professional Qualification Observatory
- Portuguese Institute of the Sea and the Atmosphere
- Green Azores
- Ponta Delgada Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- Professional School of Capelas
- School of Tourism and Hotel Management
- Professional School of Nordeste
- Professional School of Povoação
- Professional School of Ribeira Grande
- EPROSEC Professional School
- Professional School of Praia da Vitória
- Professional School of Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Angra do Heroísmo
- Escola de Novas Tecnologias dos Açores (School of New Technologies of the Azores)
- Professional School of Vila Franca do Campo
- Professional School of Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Ponta Delgada
-Professional School INETESE
The event was organized as following:
Mrs. Fernanda Carvalho from the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Atmosphere addressed some environmental impact indicators in the Azores to help the participants understand the pertinence of a subject matter as the blue and green economy.
Then Mr. Roberto Amorim testified on the importance of having innovative ideas and all the path to achieve them.
Finally, participants look together at the action plan proposed by the Regional Directorate of Employment and Professional Qualification, which will be explained by Acir Meirelles Rede Valorizar