The event, organised by the GROW RUP lead partner, will be held in Santa Cruz de Tenerife on 16 June within the framework of the Green Week and it will aim at sharing good practices and experiences in relation to green and blue jobs in Canary Islands. 

The event will last half day and presentations will tackle the following topics

1) presentation of the "Plan Coche" on green and blue economy developed by the Outermost Region' Employment Network
2) presentation on challenges and achievements of green and blue jobs in the EU
3) presentation on opportunities for blue jobs (the case of PLOCAN) and green jobs (the case of EWASTE) in Canary Islands.
4) presentation on programmes and measures supporting employment and self-employment in the region
5) round table to present and exchange good practices and expeirences around green and blue economy

The conference will be free of charge. For any further information please contact [email protected]