Published number 7 of the RUP Employment Network Newsletter
Community of Practice is created with the goal of keeping alive the cooperation: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/12536553/
Istituto Emprego de Madera (The Maderan Grow RUP partner, organize an event to spread the results of the Action Plan in the framework of the ecological transiti
The Closing and dissemination event of the Project Grow RUP was held last April 15th
Numbers 3 and 4 of the NEW RUP EMPLOYMENT NETWORK NEWSLETTER (February, and March 2021) has been published. You can download it from our Library
Second number of the RUP Employment Network Newsletter. Nov. 2020
Interesting Call for porposals for projects in the blue and green economy in Spain, promoted by Fundacion Biodiversidad
The 2020 Outermost regions Forum “Together for a sustainable future” organised by the European Commission -Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy - w
The RUP Employment Network, launch a monthly newsletter in order to promote a stable shared communication channel, including news and useful information