The Hungarian project partners, the Semmelweis University – Health Services Management Training Centre, and the National Health Care Services Centre (NHSC) hold the fifth Regional Multi Stakeholder Group (RSG) meeting of the Interreg HELIUM (Health Innovation Experimental Landscape through Policy Improvement) project on the 26th of September, 2018 in Budapest at the NHSC HQ.
One of the major tasks of the HELIUM project is to identify innovative models and best practices which can easily be transferred and could enhance the developments of healthcare industry in Hungary, especially fostering quality improvement and modernisation of preventive-medicine and rehabilitative healthcare services within the sector.
Based on the knowledge gained during the recent staff exchange visits on the connectivity of regional and cross-border innovation chains & mechanisms among regions, with special regard to open innovation value chains and ‘living lab’ based methods, the Hungarian project partners elaborated their Regional Action Plan which aims to broaden the scale of innovative solutions. The Action Plan formulates recommendations to modify certain funding schemes of the Economic Development and Innovation Operational Programme – EDIOP (call for proposals / priority projects) and suggests opening new special financing facilities. We have high hopes that the suggested innovation financing schemes will stimulate health innovation mechanisms and will improve innovation management, as well as results in growing innovative products and services in Hungary.
During the meeting the Action Plan was presented to the members of the Regional Stakeholder Group who received in-depth information and learnt about the possible scenarios of the GP transfer (selected foreign good practices) from the UK, Netherlands, and Belgium offered by the HELIUM Action Plan.
The RSG members unanimously supported the elaborated Action Plan and expressed their real appreciation for the quality of the document. They gave some additional recommendations, which will be incorporated into the final version to be submitted to the Managing Authority of the EDIOP.