The meeting will cover the following topics:

- Presentation of the Hericoast project activities and results;

- Towards the drafting of Action Plan: what it is and what it is for;

- Proposal to create a consortium for the management of naturalistic coastal areas of Natura 2000 network: components, roles and financial endowment;

- Management of coastal cultural heritage: organization of an existing associations network that currently work in the area;

- Creation of a Planning for the enhancement of the coastal landscape heritage;

- Discussion about ROP ERDF dedicate axis with urban areas managing authority;

- Presentation of digitalization process to the urban area managing authority of Termoli in order to use it to influence the ERDF programme priority dedicated, with the focus on how to better promote and protect our coastal heritage.


The meeting starts at 10.40 am.

Mr. Adolfo Colagiovanni, Project Manager of Hericoast Project for Molise Region, opens the work of the round table, providing a brief overview of the actions realized within Hericoast project, the best practices selected and digitalization process of coastal heritage of Molise. After presenting potential Action plan activities, included in the folders distributed to all participants and gives the floor to Mr. Marcello Vecchiarelli, representing Municipality of Termoli Urban Authority. 

He introduces the Urban Strategy as result of work of four Municipalities within Urban Authority and local stakeholders: Termoli, Campomarino, Guglionesi and San Giacomo degli Schiavoni and presents the possible actions to put in field in combination with HERICOAST project in order to enhance the development of coastal heritage management and influence the policy instrument dedicated:

- draw up a sustainable plan for urban mobility;

- create a projects management centre.

Then he goes to illustrates the actions of Urban Strategy related to ROP ERDF, as follows:

5.1.1 valorization of Campomarino and Termoli dunal areas

5.2.1 promotion of three projects related to the most important sites of cultural coastal heritage for historical and cultural enhancement, as specified from Mr. Michele Macchiagodena of Municipality of Termoli:

- Museum of Contemporary Art of Termoli

- Roman fountain of San Giacomo degli Schiavoni

- Guglionesi' s Historical village.

5.3.1 promotion of the territory

3.2.1 support for competitiveness

Mrs. Angela Stanisci from University of Molise proposes to identify a Consortium of Municipalities, which may also include the University, for the conservation and enhancement of heritage.

Mrs. Simona Contucci, Environment Councilor of Montenero di Bisaccia Municipality, enthusiastic for the proposal, explains that both the municipalities of Petacciato and Montenero, not belonging to the National Strategy for Internal Areas, could certainly benefit from the creation of a Consortium.

Mr. Mauro Di Muzio, Head of Molise Region - Soil Defense, State Property, Hydraulic and Maritime Works Office proposes a connection between Hericoast project and the adriatic bike route project, which will pass through all four municipalities of Molise coast.

Afterwards the Project Assistant, Alessia Finori, illustrates the HERICOAST best practices related to the Action Plan.

Mrs. Maria Carla De Francesco shows her presentation about possible development of the Action Plan, describing the possible actions to be undertaken, the lessons learnt from the project and explaining to the participants the role of organisations involved in the development and implementation of the plan.

The present stakeholders show their interest in the possibility to identify the common actions to achieve.

At the end of the meeting, Mr. Colagiovanni thank everybody for attendance at the event and for the contribution provided. The workshop ends at 1 p.m.