The project have launched two courses about Smart Specialization best practices for innovation and innovative public procurement as a tool for innovation in the public administration.
In particular, the didactic units will focus on topics like legal framework at European, National and Regional level, experiences carried out in the activation of innovative public procurement procedures, approaches to innovation and regional specializations and worst and best practices.
The lessons will be addressed to people employed in public administrations and in and in private businesses, university students from technical, scientific and legal faculties, anyone interested in enhancing knowledge on innovative concepts.
The Smart Map is an interactive platform aiming to provide a complete overview of the RIS3 strategies in, at least, regions involved in the project (Catalonia, Marche, Abruzzo, Central Macedonia, Cambridge, North Portugal, Stockholm, Slovenia, Central Macedonia, Slovenia and Lithuania), using Google Maps technology.
This tool allows the users to filter regions according some criteria, including the key enabling technologies (KETs) and economic sectors in which a region aims to specialize. Given the relevance of connecting different regions (and their stakeholders) European-wide, this instrument becomes very useful when detecting which territories are developing innovative activities in the same sectors, looking to promote synergies among them to design and implement further projects.