The iBuy project is already in its final stage and all partners are eager to share the project achievements in their regions and how the initiative has contributed in supporting the Public Procurement of Innovation (PPI) related policy developments. Final dissemination event will be organized in Riga (7th of June, 2022) by Ministry of Economics and will aim to promote the results achieved during the lifetime of the project in 7 European regions, share our experiences and present the overview of the project's activities and achievements.
Event will also be accessible online.
JSC Development Finance Institution “Altum”, Doma laukums 4, Riga
10:00 Meeting, welcome coffee
10:20 Presentation of the Ministry of Economics
Raimonds Lapins, Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of Economics of Latvia
10:40 Presentation of JS
Camille Milloir, Interreg Europe Joint Secretariat
11:00 Presentation of the Latvian Council of Science
Lauma Muizniece, Director of Latvian Council of Science
11:20 Presentation of the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA)
Nikita Kazakevics, Director of Innovation and Technology Department, Investment and Development Agency of Latvia
Achievements of the iBUY project in partner regions and PPI policy development trends:
11.40 Lithuanian Innovation Centre
12.00 Foundation for Innovation and Technology in the Balearic Islands - Government of the Balearic Islands
12:20 Lunch
14:00 The Baltic Institute of Finland
14.20 Agency of Regional Development of Bucharest Ilfov
14.40 Regional Government of Central Greece
15.00 National Innovation Agency of Portugal
15.20 The Ministry of Economics of Latvia