iEER Conference
Boosting innovative Entrepreneurship ecosystem in regions for growth and job creation, 22-23 March 2018, Brussels
DAY 1: Regions and local authorities driving entrepreneurial success – experience of iEER Interreg Europe
Time: 14.00-19.00, 22nd of March 2018
Location: Hotel Thon Eu, Rue de la Loi/Wetstraat 75, B-1040 Brussels
13.30-14.00 Registration
14.00-14.20 Welcome words:
Mr Markku Markkula, 1st Vice President of the European Committee of the Regions
Ms Christine Chang, Coordinator of iEER Interreg Europe, Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council, Finland
14.20-15.00 Setting the scene: Boosting innovative entrepreneurship ecosystem– what did iEER regions learn?
Ms. Cathy Giles and Mr. David Kaneswaran, Institute of Technology Tralee, Ireland
Learning entrepreneurship with iEER regions - experience from ExtremaduraMr. Victor Mena, Consultant, Extremadura Region, Spain
15.00-15.15 Coffee break
15.15-18.00 Parallel sessions: learning and implementing what works to support the startups and entrepreneurs at the local and regional level
Entrepreneurial competence and activation: In this session, we take a deep look into practical approaches, theoretical background and users perspectives.
Startup and scale up support: This session is about learning the present practices and dive into future practices that will shape better regional start-up and scale-up support in regions.
Supporting startups in outlying areas: In this session, we will look into measures and good practices that encourage business creation and support business in outlying areas.
RIS3 implementation for young entrepreneurs: The workshop introduces to the concept of Smart Specialisation in different regional contexts, provides practical examples on how to strengthen start-ups and discusses barriers and possibilities of regional Smart Specialisation initiatives.
18.00-19.00 Cocktail and networking reception
Day 2: Stronger alliances in Europe - Delivering entrepreneurial success via Growth and jobs programmes
Time: 09.00-13.30, 23rd of March 2018
Location: European Committee of the Regions, Rue Belliard 99-101, B-1040 Brussels, Room JDE 52
09.00-9.30 Registration and coffee
09.30-9.35 Introductory welcome
09.35-10.00 Opening: Investing Europe’s future and entrepreneurs’ success for growth and job creation – role of regions and cities beyond 2020
Mr. Jyrki Katainen, Vice President of European Commission, Commissioner for Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness
10.00-11.10 Panel: The EU’s role in creating favourable entrepreneurship support ecosystems in regions – viewpoints of entrepreneurs and actors
11.10-11.40 Coffee break
11.40-12.50 Panel: how European regions and cities can better deliver growth and jobs supporting start-ups and young entrepreneurs – now and in the future
12.50-13.00 Conclusions: Hank Kune and Christine Chang
13.00 - 13.30 Closing remarks: iEER regions building stronger alliances and EU Cohesion for startups and young entrepreneurs
Mr. Ossi Savolainen, Regional Mayor, Helsinki-Uusimaa Region