EUCC Baltic office has established its Working Group to progress in the definition of the Action Plan  to reduce key pressures on coastal nature and ecosystem services in Lithuania. 

The policy instrument to improve is the Baltic Sea Regional Cooperation Programme which supports the implementation of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (BSR).

The main reason why the policy needs to be improved is its sectorality as it is split by different thematic objectives. 

The main reason why the policy needs to be improved is its sectorality as it is split by different thematic objectives. The proposed elaboration of an innovative model-based action plan for protected areas will deliver a cross-sectoral policy toolbox comprising regional development and nature conservation, jobs and growth, and solutions for conflicts between the sectors.

The Working group is composed of 14 people form different working fields: Head of protected Area Department in the Environment Ministry of Lithuania, Head of Forestry Department of Kretinga District, Director, ecologists and other specialists, from all 3 target National and Regional parks, farmer, expert , Head of Geography Department of Nature Research Center of Lithuania, Neringa municipality community member.

On the 9th of September 2016 , the Working group hold its first meeting during which the most relevant problems of protected area management were identified and the solving plan was discussed. All participants saw great importance of IMPACT project and are enthusiastic to continue their actively participation.