On the 26th of March 2019 has been held the Inkrease Mid-term Conference in Bologna. During the conference, the project’s partners have presented their good practices and regional Action Plans to European regions and institutions’ representatives, such as the European Commission’s Joint Research Center and the Vanguard Initiative.


Through 3 panel sessions, partners have discussed on: 


- Mobilizing regional communities for innovation

- S3 and cross-industry contamination in regional projects

- Reinforcing interregional co-operation and complementarities



The conference was the opportunity to reflect about the role of Regional Innovation Ecosystems (RIS) as accelerators of innovation and growth for our communities, countries and for the European Union.


Partners have raised awareness about the key role of regional ecosystems in maximizing the impact of research and innovation policies. They show, through their good practices, ongoing projects and action plans, that Regional dynamic ecosystems can facilitate knowledge circulation, develop competitive clusters, involve SMEs, promote cross-industry contamination process and promote interregional linkages in specific fields.


Inkrease project has demonstrated the potential of RIS for European growth and competitiveness and generate ideas for their further improvement beyond traditional policy issues, such as: research-industry collaboration and knowledge transfer, promotion of spin offs and start-ups, etc.


Besides, companies that benefited from these innovative ecosystems have testified about their crucial role in their development, support and innovation strategies.


Together, Inkrease partners have paved the way to a more innovative Europe, through innovative regional integrated ecosystems enhancing cross-fertilization, interregional cooperation, collaborative projects, fostering both regional and European development and innovation power.

Action Plans :


Emilia Romagna


Lower Austria


