“EXPERIMENT” (previous “INTELLECT. Joint science-business R&D projects“)

According to its objectives and scope, “Experiment” policy instrument is one of the most important instruments during this phase of the implementation of the Smart Specialization Strategy in Lithuania. It is designed to encourage companies to invest in RDI activities for the development of innovative products, services or processes, and to promote the growth of companies and the establishment of new innovative companies by investing in RDI infrastructure and its development. Companies may carry out RDI activities in conjunction with partners (research institutions, universities and private legal entities).

Action 1:

Simplification of phase I documentation have begun. The applicants just have to provide the described product idea and justify how it matches SMART specialization criteria, but no need to provide project budget or risk analysis. This would save time, financial and human resources (both the applicant and the partner, and the LVPA).

Action 2:

Facilitation of newcomer innovators, through the reduction of the amount of documents / information which have to be submitted by new innovators, that encourages beginner innovators to submit more applications.

Action 3:

A clear definition of R&D services has been provided. In the project financing term and condition manual identify clearly the concept of "R&D services". Also clearly define the term "Other services necessary for the implementation of projects". The consultancy and equivalent services has been expanded, making it possible to purchase the services which is needed to carry out R&D activities.

Action 4:

Preparation and clear definition of salary justification guidelines, and provide specific examples of salary costs justification for applicants.

Action 5:

The suitability of patenting costs, by financing them (not overlooked). 

Action 6:

Reduce the size of the financial plan by omitting the requirement of financial projections (profit and loss account, balance sheet). Reduced scope of financial plan.

Action 7:

Removal of "R&D Activities declaration" indicator from the evaluation criteria. Include it in the general description of the call.

Action 8:

Simplification of the project budget form submitted with the application (do not provide detailed short-term assets, list of materials).

Action 9:

Provide a chance to reduce the targeted indicators following a budget drop.

Action 10:

Reallocation of funds during project implementation. In case of a specific need and clear justification, make it possible to reallocate funds during the project implementation phase, without a need to wait for all project purchases to be completed.

All these actions were taken thanks to the share of good-practices within the Inkrease project by all partners, to improve innovation fund schemes and boost innovation.