INNOGROW study visit in Mantova, Italy
Lombardy Foundation for the Environment will organize on 22nd and 23rd February the first study visit of INNOGROW project to transfer experiences on innovative production policies.
This study visit precedes the one that will be organized in Greece during the next reporting period. Aims of the study visit is to support project partners in the definition of concrete action plans for their regions, to reorient the addressed policy instruments in a view of promotion of innovation and growth of rural SMEs.
Location of the event will be the territory of Mantua and Mincio park, that supported the event together with the Department of Architecture, Building and Construction of Politecnico di Milano. This event will represent the opportunity to promote at international level the experience of local rural SMEs that adapted their business model or introduce innovative technologies to respond to the needs of the territory and take advantage from the opportunities that it presents. The event will be divided in two parts: in the morning on 22nd February there will be an introduction of the local territorial context of the Mincio Park, its characteristics and strengths, as well as the measures of the Regional Operational Plan implemented to foster innovation, with presentations from regional authorities , local stakeholders and scientific institutions; in the afternoon of the 22nd and in the morning of the 23rd February the participants will be accompanied to an on-field visit to some of the most interesting SMEs present in the territory of the Park to show the innovations adopted. The study visit will be preceded by the 4th project meeting hosted by the local campus of Politecnico di Milano. After the Interregional Workshop held in Lecco in March 2017, this event represents another good opportunity to actively involve in INNOGROW project regional stakeholders to contribute to the dissemination of project results and outcomes of the events.