Regional Development Agency of Gorenjska, BSC, Ltd, Kranj is organizing a public consultation workshop within the event New technologies in the dairy industry and The production of cheese, organized by Biotechnical center Naklo, on Friday, 03.17.2017, at the Biotechnical center Naklo. 

The event will address importance of the following themes: 

- Cooperation opportunities in rural areas and the multifunctionality of agriculture for the preservation of the cultural landscape - discussion and demonstration of projects

- Smart technology in agriculture - project presentation

- New technologies in the production of cheeses (examples of production of Italian, French and Austrian cheeses)

An important part of the event will also be INNOGROW public consultation workshop on the topic of new technologies and business models in a cheese industry and dairy industry. 

Afternoon will be dedicate to the practical dairy workshop at the BC Naklo Center: Production of soft and semi-hard cheeses, specialties of the cheese production and microbial cultures.