The 3rd regional stakeholder workshop was held on 9th December 2020 at SBA premises in Bratislava following all COVID rules, of course.

The aim of the meeting was a discussion on the preparation of an Action plan as the main output of the project that is going to be realized within 2021 in the area of cluster policy or industry 4.0. A couple of scenarios of supporting measurements were presented by the SBA team to stakeholders that can be implemented on the basis of discussions, progress, and best practices within the project. Participants from the Ministry of Economy of the SR, Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency, Union of Clusters of Slovakia, and Slovak Business Agency discussed proposed measurements and other possibilities too.

As the conclusion of brainstorming was the identification of 2 actions in the context of Slovakia. Inspiration for the one action was the best practice from Austria – Lower Austrian Cluster Program as the most applicable for the implementation. The second action related to pilot support of digitalization/transformation on Industry 4.0 via voucher scheme. This action could be inspired by examples of several INNO INDUSTRY partners who implemented relevant schemes in Slovenia, Sweden, Portugal, or Austria