The kick-off meeting of INNO INDUSTRY project was organised by the lead partner Regional development Agency Posavje and was held on September 3-4 in Dobova, Slovenia. Main objectives of the meeting were to set the official start of the project, establish relations between all partners, provide clarification about administrative issues and define specific tasks of individual partners throughout the project, with emphasis on the 1 phase.

The aim of INNO INDUSTRY project is to develop 10 action plans that propose possible improvements regarding the effective support to clusters in 10 EU countries.

First day of the KoM was dedicated to the presentations of project partners from Romania, Slovakia, Austria, United Kingdom, Latvia, Sweden, Hungary and Slovenia.

The second day of the meeting was dedicated to practical work, namely two seminars on the state of play of industry 4.0 and clustering in partner countries, a workshop that explored main goals and characteristics of policy instruments and the possibilities for their improvement in the area of support to clustering and implementation of industry 4.0. Special focus was also given to creation of regional SWOT analysis. In the final part of the meeting, partners discussed the scope and aims of regional workshops.