Stakeholders from 8 European regions will attend the first Interreg Europe project INNO INFRA SHARE study visit to share knowledge regarding open innovation and positive experiences of Shared Research and Innovation (R&I) infrastructures. The visit takes place from the 13th until the 15th of June. Two adjacent European regions will be attended: the Brainport Eindhoven region, South Netherlands and Flanders, Belgium. The programme of the visit is the result of a joint effort of both regions and there will be evidence of interregional collaboration through the infrastructures that will be highlighted.

Day one

The programme will start with a project meeting in Brainport, during the meeting the project results so far will be discussed. After that, the delegation will visit the University for Technology Eindhoven (TU/e). Prof. Dr. Sjoerd Romme, Faculty for Industrial Engineering and Innovation Science, will introduce the group to the long history of open innovation in the region. This information will be useful as a framework in order to understand the context of the institutes that will be visited and their way of working and thinking. Consequently, Dr. Huub Ambrosius representing Nanolabnl@tu/e and NanolabNL will be the first to share experiences regarding their model for open innovation and sharing their facilities with research institutes and SME’s. 

Day two

This day’s programme will take place at the High Tech Campus Eindhoven (HTCE). First, there will be an introduction to the philosophy and practical implementation of open innovation and sharing infrastructure at the campus. This will be concretized through a visit to the Solliance Solar Research institute, a joint venture of ECN, TNO, Holst Centre and iMec.

Day three

The European experts will be welcomed in Flanders, at the iMec Labaratories in Ghent. Imec is the world-leading R&D and innovation hub in Nano electronics and digital technology. There are many lessons to be learnt from this centre of excellence, especially from its strong collaboration mechanisms, public-private as well as between industry and research. 

Besides visiting the above mentioned institutions, there will also be time for reflection. During an interregional learning workshop, the lessons learned will be systematized. The group will analyze which lessons they will take back to respective regions and how to use the obtained knowledge as input for regional action plans and improve policy instruments performances and results.

The event is on invitation only.