HOW WE WILL MOVE IN THE NEXT FUTURE? Study visit and thematic workshop 24-25 October in Pescara  

Mobility has a major influence on how we live our lives today. It helps to determine how people, businesses, communities and countries interact. It opens doors to new opportunities. It will shape our prosperity and quality of life in the future. The mobility sector plays a vital role in the EU economy and society. Yet today, mobility is undergoing profound transformations. Digitalisation, automation and alternative energy sources are transforming the transport system and challenging its traditional features.

The continuous development of cities and associated population growth, congestion and pollution has pushed sustainable urban mobility up the agenda. The need for more sustainable, intelligent and integrative planning processes as a way of dealing with these challenges and identifying an appropriate set of policies has been widely recognised.

At a time of limited finance for SUMPs (Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans), it’s really important for cities to be able to find measures that have a big impact but don’t cost much – like improvements in micro accessibility, or low cost conversion of road space to public space for people.

24 October 2017                                                                                                                                                           STUDY VISIT 

  • Trolley bus Pescara - Montesilvano
  • Mycicero
  • Easypark

25 October 2017                                                                                                                                                       THEMATIC WORKSHOP

 With workshop we want to answer the question how to “HOW WILL WE MOVE?” The aim is to help the sector to stay competitive in a socially fair transition towards clean energy and digitalisation.

 9:15 -10:00 Welcome words/ LUCIANO D’ALFONSO (Abruzzo Region President) and VINCENZO RIVERA (President of Department of Presidency and Relations with Europe – Abruzzo Region)

10:00- 12:30 Why investing in innovative transport? EU Funding and policy framework

  • How Will We Move in Abruzzo?
  • Urban sustainable strategy in the framework of ERDF Regional Operational Programme 2014-2020: the sustainable urban mobility plans (SUMPS)
  • Open discussion (questions from the audience ~5-10 min)

 12:30 – 14:30 The future of transports sector within a sustainable development: research and innovation paths, enhancement of the chain synergies and suggestions for policies makers

  •  The role of the Transport Cluster 2020 for the territorial cohesion and the development of the South of Italy: relationships between industries and universities and Smart Specialization Strategy
  • The future of integrated logistics and sustainable goods transport
  • Enabling technologies for cities (from smart cities to responsive cities)