With Christmas fast approaching, Innova-FI Team wants to take the opportunity to wish you a very Merry Christmas. We hope you enjoy the festive season and look forward to seeing you in 2019!

With Christmas fast approaching, Innova-FI Team wants to take the opportunity to wish you a very Merry Christmas. We hope you enjoy the festive season and look forward to seeing you in 2019!
Friuli Innovazione organized its last local stakeholder meeting on March 2023. Read all about it and its outcomes here!
MASDE is a service for companies that are going through difficult times due to the external impacts and its economic consequences. Learn more here!
Slovenia's response to COVID-19 included launching the FI COVID-19 initiative. Offering 65M € in microloans for SMES and loans for RDI. Read all about it here!
ANI has led the Innova-FI project to enhance the usage of financial tools for regional development and innovation. Find more about it here!
The last Innova-Fi Local Support Group meeting in Poland was held on-line on the 7th October 2022, with five stakeholders. All the details here!
INVEGA’s Direct loans have sparked more innovation and entrepreneurship in the Lithuanian business. Find out more here!
The creation and promotion of the “culture of repayable support”, positive branding of FIs and expanding the regional ecosystem of FIs to new entities.
On 22 February 2023, the Ministry of Cohesion and Regional Development of Slovenia organized a Local Stakeholder Meeting. Read all about it here!
A service tool to support innovative start-ups in aligning their stage of development with the most suitable funding instruments. Read all about it here!
On February 20th, 2023, INVEGA held the last meeting of the Local Stakeholders Group of the INNOVA-FI project.