Draft Agenda

Wednesday 16 January 2019: arrival of participants

Day 1: Thursday, 17 January 2019 (09:30)

1. Welcome and Introductions

 Welcome by host partner Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece (5 min)

 Welcome by Lead Partner Nicosia Municipality, Cyprus (5 min)

 Brief Introduction of participants, Project Partners’ representatives & their

invited external experts for the action plans (1 min per partner, total 10 min)

2. Update on InnovaSUMP Project and aim of the joint meeting on the

action plans – Project Coordinator (10 min)

3. Requirements of Interreg Europe programme regarding Action Plans and

Phase 2 implementation and monitoring

 Technical Coordinator (20 min)

 Potential Actions - Advisory partner AUTH (20 min)

 Questions & Answers (20 min)

11:00 – 11:30 Coffee Break

4. Presentation of current status of Action Plans by partners/experts

(10 minutes per partner city)

 Nicosia Municipality, Cyprus

 City of Prague, Czech Republic

 Devon County Council, United Kingdom

 Municipality of Ravenna, Italy

 Municipality of Kordelio – Evosmos, Greece

 Municipality of Viseu, Portugal

 Municipal Enterprise «Connection Services», Lithuania

 Municipality of Iasi, Romania

Q&A (10 min)

13:00 – 14:00 Light Lunch

5. Discussions in 4 Working Groups by project theme:

A. Inclusion of travel behaviour research and potential user response analyses for

new and emerging systems, technologies, policies and measures

B. Visitor mobility at tourism destinations

C. SUMP – SEAP – SECAP Integration

D. Integrating pricing and financing measures

• How to deploy actions on the 4 innovations in partner cities? (60 min)

• How to improve policy instruments? (30 min)

15:30 – 16:00 Coffee break

6. Reports from the 4 Working Groups (10 min. each) 

7. Synthesis and Conclusions of 1st day – Advisory partner (30 min)

8. Actions list for inclusion in the Partners’ Action Plans - All (20 min)

17:30 End of 1st day

20:30 Dinner

Day 2: Friday, 18 January 2019 (09:00)

1. Guidelines for the Action Plans – Technical Coordinator

2. Policy instrument improvements – Each partner city

3. Good Practices – All partners (at least 1 good practice per partner)

11:00 - 11:30 Coffee Break

4. Preparation of Workshop 4 on Pricing/Financing – Advisory partner

5. Management and Communication issues – Project Coordinator / MC Team

13:00 Lunch

14:30 – 17:00 Study Visit to Thessaloniki Metro under construction