The DECIDE project is holding its first General Assembly online event to learn more about the EU Energy Community and Collective Actions organisational models and practices for citizen involvement.

The two-day event is open to the members of the public:

DAY ONE 17 May 2021 09:00-10:25 CET

DAY ONE 17 May 2021 (CONSORTIUM ONLY) 10:25-12:10 CET

DAY TWO 18 May 2021 09:00-12:00 CET.

The DECIDE project aims to be a game changer supporting consumers and prosumers to accelerate their impact in the energy market.


- DECIDE & COMMIT will give an opportunity to gain insight into development of Energy Communities and collective energy actions across EU from Energy Community experts, people involved in organizing energy communities and collective actions across EU and citizens participating in such actions.

- Presentations by Energy Communities’ experts

- Our experts will guide us through the energy community and collective actions concepts and give us a brief overview of the national status quos of transposition in a bit more detail.

- Panel Discussions / Questions & Answers

What is it that holds us back from replicating (good ideas)? Even within our own cities? Is it the partners? Is it the agenda and the fact that we have a contract to deliver? What are the best practices for involving citizens? What holds citizens back? Is there a minimum share? To which extend can regulation influence citizen participation? How much should local/regional/national governments be involved? Aside from citizens and government who are other key stakeholders? How community energy actions vary from country to country and why? These and many more questions will be discussed during the General Assembly in May 2021.

To learn more and register please visit: