This German game was premiered on the 11th September 2016 by the EUREF Green Garage – Germanys only Clean Tech incubator located in Berlin-Schoneberg. Pictures of the prototype can be seen here:  

The real laboratory "Energiewende RPG" illustrates the complex relationships involved in the energy transition to a low carbon economy.  At the beginning of the game is a fossil fuel-based energy system that will be converted into a decentralized regional and renewable energy system over several years - in short, into the energy system of the future. 

In doing so, the players take on the roels of the different actors role of different actors, e.g. as an energy supplier, environmental organization or prime minister - equipped with individual rights and options for action to reduce their carbon output.  That means: to bear responsibility, to shape, to experiment, to debate, to make decisions and to do so with consequences. Because after every round of play, a computer calculates the effects: increasing or decreasing CO² emissions, development of new technologies, protests from environmental or social NGOs - anything is possible. 

In 2017, Energievantgarde E.v hosted the game and it was played by participants of the 2017 Summer School in Wittenberg. On Twitter you will find pictures and impressions: 

Energieavantgarde E.v’s goal goal is to play and improve the energy game as often as possible over the next few years with a wide range of partners, in the most diverse contexts. That's why they are introducing the game to potential partners at a demonstration event.