he eighth meeting of the regional stakeholders for the LAST MILE project was another conference in the workshop formula. The meeting was attended by representatives and leaders of the municipalities: Wolin, Dziwnów, Międzyzdroje and Kamień Pomorski and the representatives of the Association of the Szczecin Metropolitan Area and the West Pomeranian Regional Tourist Organization. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the results of surveys sent to the Project Stakeholders regarding to two project activities: creation of the Transport Coordinator institution and launch of the Seaside Bus tourist bus line. Also presented the subsequent activities undertaken as part of the project, including the preparation of analyses regarding to the possibility of establishing a Transport Coordinator for the area of four coastal municipalities and the organization of the Seaside Bus transport system.
The meeting was divided into two parts: presentation and workshop-discussion. In the first part presented the selected of priority tasks (Transport Coordinator and Seaside Bus). A representative of the Office of the Association of the Metropolitan Area of Szczecin approximated experience in the context of building transport policies at the supra-municipal level, benefits of joint transport management and the importance of public transport organization in preventing congestions and highlighted the goal of reducing the number of individual cars especially during the tourist season. Representative of the West Pomeranian Regional Tourist Organization in the context of building "network tourism products” discussed the potential and possibilities of using tourist attractions and the prospects of launching the Seaside Bus line and outlined a possible promotion scheme.
In the second part of the meeting, survey responses regarding to the possibility of implementing two selected priority
actions were discussed together. The issue of appointing the Transport Coordinator raised many questions about the organization itself, the scope of responsibilities and the division of responsibility as well as the level of management. In connection with the analysis commissioned by RBGPWZ, it was determined that further discussion will be continued in May 2018, when the working meeting will be held with the analysis contractor. In the part relating to the issue of Seaside Bus, discussed the individual points (proposed by municipalities) on the planned route, issues of vehicle ownership and issues related to technical facilities also estimated the need to make the approximated valuation of the project. The next workshop meeting was announced for the middle of May.