The fifth Regional Stakeholders meeting for the LAST MILE project was another conference in the workshop formula. The meeting was attended by representatives and leaders of the municipalities: Wolin, Dziwnów, Międzyzdroje
and Kamień Pomorski and the representatives of PKS Kamień Pomorski – the main private bus carrier in the region. The purpose
of the meeting was to present the proposals for possible actions in the area of priority municipalities in the context of the use
of flexible transport systems and also with indication of the main directions on which the next stages of project co-operation should focus.
The meeting was divided into two parts: presentation and workshop-discussion. In the first part the examples of priority tasks were presented (appointing a transport coordinator, transport dedicated to residents, seasonal touristic hop-on hop-off bus transport) and possible complementary tasks (support for the integration of local transport with rail, transport to events- system solution, water transport, local solutions for the last mile in transport – possibilities of launching on-demand systems), that could be implemented or developed within the scope of the Action Plan in the scale of the analyzed municipalities.
In the second part of the meeting, the possibilities of implementing and functioning of presented actions were discussed together. The proposal of launching a Hop-on Hop-off tourist bus was positively received, with strong conviction that it could become a seasonal tourist product that stimulates the local economy and promotes sustainable mobility. It was also agreed that the most important issue that marks the starting point for further actions is the establishment of a joint transport coordinator.
The coordinator's competence would be, among others; analysis of transport needs of inhabitants, passenger flows and seasonal movement, coordination of existing transport services, undertaking initiatives aimed at development of the sustainable transport systems and representation of the municipalities on the over municipal level.
To formalize the cooperation between the municipalities and the Regional Office for Spatial Planning
of Westpomeranian Voivodeship in Szczecin there was made a declaration of setting the official deadline for signing the letter
of intent.