Project News

LAST MILE Brochure is online!


LAST MILE has published a brochure summarizing the most important conclusions,...

Type: Project

LAST MILE presented at EPOMM


The Interreg Europe LAST MILE project was presented in the September Newsletter...

Type: Project

On the way towards regional action plans


Now in the last half year of the exchange phase, the development of regional...

Type: Project

The 4th Newsletter is available!


Ckeck the 4th Newsletter for the latest news about the 3rd and the beginning of...

Type: Project

LAST MILE meets InnovaSUMP


On November 2017, LAST MILE was invited to Ravenna to participate in a workshop...

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5th partner meeting in Westpomerania


The fifth partner meeting in the metropolitan area of Szczecin was a success!...

Type: Project

4th Interregional Study Visit in Luxembourg


Partners of the EU-project LAST MILE met in the Upper Sûre Nature Park...

Type: Project

4th Regional Stakeholder Meeting in Szczecin


The fourth Regional Stakeholders meeting for the LAST MILE project was another...

Type: Project

3rd Study Visit in Varna


About 30 representatives of regional authorities and experts from transport,...

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Regional Meeting in Malá Tŕňa


Regional meeting with the Association of Tokaj Wine Road concerning barriers and...

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Regional Meeting in Hrabušice


Tourism resorts in Slovak Paradise learned about the alternative forms of...

Type: Project

Project meeting and Study Visit in Catalonia


Partners of the project LAST MILE met to visit good practices and discuss...

Type: Project