From 6th June to 9th June, the Upper Sûre Nature Park, together with the Environment Agency Austria invited to a Study Visit in the Nature Park in Luxembourg. All 6 Last Mile project partners and their regional stakeholders (AT, BG, ES, LU, SK) participated and learned more about the region and the challenges regarding sustainable tourism mobility.

During this Study Visit, the participants hat the opportunity to exchange information and participate in workshop. Some discussed topics were “How to get people to use FTS and alternatives in general to individual transport” with input from the websites of the different project partners, divided in 3 topics, information before arrival, information on arrival and communication. Followed by a workshop with expert input about “Mobility Platforms” with an example from East Tyrol, Austria. Another workshop was more local, about how the participants would improve the mobility situation around the lake, in two setting. The first setting was how to improve the mobility situation before the construction of the dam which let to the lake and the second how to improve the situation now.  One of the highlights of the study visit was experiencing the free public transport system in Luxemburg and the free shuttle service around the lake, the  “Stauséinavette”, which was implemented as a result of the last mile project.