Event programme:

10:00 Welcome & event introduction (Stefano Aguzzi, Regional Minister of enhancement of environmental assets, public housing, urban planning of Marche Region, IT t.b.c.)
10:05 Towards Low Carbon DISTRICTS by Javier Etayo (Director of the Service of Housing in Government of Navarra) and Barbora Vlasatá (CTU UCEEB)
             i.            Brief presentation of LC Districts Project
             ii.           Road Map: aspects to take into account to decrease CO2 emissions in built environments – followed by discussions
             iii.          Partners’ real experiences in Navarra (ES), Marche Region (IT), Smaland (SE), Zlín Region (CZ) and North West Croatia (HR) – 3 min videos followed by discussions
10:40 Interregional cooperation opportunities in Interreg Europe Programme 2021-2027 by Charo Camacho, Policy Officer of the Joint Secretariat
10:50 WHAT’S NEXT? Two topics in depth – participatory
             i.            Integration of the Energy and Climate measures in the Spatial Planning development process by Tomislav Novosel, expert in energy planning (REGEA North West Croatia Regional Energy Agency) and Miljenko Sedlar (Assistant managing director REGEA North West Croatia Regional Energy Agency) as moderator
             ii.           New challenge for rebuilding: from Low Carbon to Positive energy Districts José Costero, (Director of the Strategic Office at Pamplona City Council), and Beatriz San Martín (Innovation Area in Navarra de Suelo y Vivienda NASUVINSA) as moderator
11:30 Closure by Izaskun Abril (Urban Planning General Director in Government of Navarra)
11:30 – 13:00 Networking lunch

You can find all the presentations and videos in the project website library.