The 5th regional workshop proved to be a great success and benefit for LINDANET. The stakeholders could be successfully updated on the progress made in LINDANET as well as on the upcoming steps in Phase 2 and afterwards. Additionally, the meeting was the perfect platform for our stakeholders to ask questions and give direct feedback on the current plan within LINDANET. Also, the presentation from Mr. Richnow on the state of the art regarding HCH degradation in the Mulde floodplain showed how valuable scientific input for the development of the Integral Mulde Floodplain Management is and how urgently the 3 committees (Action 2 of our Action Plan) including the Scientific Committee is needed for achieving this challenging long-term goal. Since Mr. Richnow is part of the Scientific Committee, which will be established during Phase 2 of LINDANET as part of our Action Plan, we expect to get further input of great importance for our goal of first - implementing an investigation concept in the Mulde floodplain (Action 1 of our Action Plan) and in step 2 - developing jointly within our 3 Committees the new policy instrument the so-called Integral Mulde Floodplain Management. Overall the 5th Stakeholder Meeting within the LINDANET project in Saxony-Anhalt (Germany) came at the perfect time and put the right topics in focus to get started with the tasks of the 2nd project phase within LINDANET. Now we know we can count on the support of our stakeholders when starting with the implementation of our Action Plan, which should provide a basis for the development of the above mentioned Integral Mulde Floodplain Management.