Our first good practice "Regional extension of city Veszprém’s successful proposal for European Capital of Culture 2023" is now published in the Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform good practice database. 

You can find the opinion written by one of the Platform experts about your good practice below: 

This is an excellent and innovative approach in valorising the urban-regional cultural links and relations and exploiting them concretely for the European Capital of Culture award. The practice could be interesting not only to cities/regions who have the intention to apply for the ECoC but also those who would like to valorise this common urban-rural-regional cultural heritage for a more innovative and alternative sustainable tourism offer. It is also worth exploring the methodological tool mentioned in the good practice. Benefits could also come from the very process of implementing the methodology.  

Visit the database to see our good practice: Regional extension of city Veszprem's successful proposal for European Capital of Culture 2023