The City of Alba Iulia (RO) will host the 4th project event on 7-8 September.

The 2-day event programme will include the following parts: a Stakeholder Café, the 3rd Site Visit, a Good Practices Fair, a roundtable discussion, an Adaptation Workshop and the TWT meeting linked to the 4th Steering Committee meeting.

The 1st day will cover a Stakeholder Café with local stakeholders and a guided site visit to a Public Transport Company and four public institutions, where innovative and sustainable practices are being implemented. Then, a roundtable discussion of good practices related with TP3 “Innovative Smart Technologies”, a Good Practice Adaptation Workshop and the analysis of each partner’s action plan drafts, will conclude the 1st day schedule.

The 2nd day will be dedicated to the internal partnership meeting, in order to discuss the technical and financial project issues.