Wednesday, 17th May 2017

Euskalduna Conference Centre (Room E)

Learning journey - Day 1

Opening Session (09:30-10:30)

09:30 Opening. Arantza Tapia. Economic Development and Infrastructure Minister of the Basque Government (10 min.)

09:40 European Commission. Lucía Rubio. Programme Assistant. DG Research and Innovation (20 min.)

10:00 Interregional cooperation for Advanced Manufacturing in the Basque Country. Marian Elorza. General Secretary for External Affairs. Basque Government (10 min.)

10:10 Policy instruments in Advanced Manufacturing. Iosu Madariaga. Director of Technology. Basque Government (10 min.)

10:30 - 11:00 Coffee break (30 min.)

Good practices on policy instruments (11:00-12:30)

11:00 Advanced Manufacturing strategy in the Basque Country. Cristina Oyón. SPRI – Basque Business Development Agency (15 min.)

11:15 R&D and technology transfer instruments. Hazitek & Elkartek & Basque Industry 4.0 programmes. SPRI – Basque Business Development Agency (15 min.)

11:30 Manunet initiative. Cristina Ugarte. Innobasque - Basque Innovation Agency (15 min.)

11:45 Basque Science, Technology and Innovation Network. Basque Government (15 min.)

12:00 Inter-clusters cooperation. Txomin Olabarri. SPRI – Basque Business Development Agency (15 min.)

12:15 Monitoring and evaluation. Carlos Peña. Innobasque - Basque Innovation Agency (15 min.)

Moderator of the event Aitor Mintegi. General Secretary for External Affairs. Basque Government

12:30 - 13:30 Lunch (1 hour) * The bus for the industrial site visits will live after lunch

Industrial site visits (14:30-16:30)

• Visit to Aeronautics Advanced Manufacturing Center. Zamudio

• Visit to Bizkaia Science and Technology Park. Zamudio

Dinner (20:00)


Thursday, 18th May 2017

Innobasque headquarters

Bizkaiko Teknologia Parkea / Parque Tecnológico de Bizkaia

Laida Bidea 203, 48170 Zamudio

Learning journey - Day 2

Project and partners’ introduction (09:15-10:00)

09:15 Partners’ arrival and welcome (15 min.)

09:30 Welcome and participants’ “tour de table”. All participants (15 min.)

09:45 Introduction to the project and workshop’s objective. Innobasque (15 min.)

10:00 – 10:30 Coffee break (30 min.)

Baseline study: What does advanced manufacturing mean for each region? (10:30-13:00)

10:30 Presentations of the Smart Specialisation Strategies in each region. All partners (20 min. per region followed by 10 min. of Q&A)

 Overview of the regional RIS3

 Scope of advanced manufacturing in the region: priority areas, actors involved & main challenges

13:00 - 14:00 Lunch (1 hour)

Baseline study: Preliminary results (14:00-15:00)

14:00 Preliminary results from the baseline: strategy, governance model, policy-mix and evaluation. Orkestra (1 hour)

1st Learning Pillar: Innovation policy-mix for advanced manufacturing (15:00-17:00)

15:00 Innovation policy-mix for advanced manufacturing: conceptual introduction, best practices and insights from the baseline study. Orkestra (1 hour)

16:00 Roundtable: challenges for advanced manufacturing policy-mix for MANUMIX’s regions. All partners (1 hour)

 Which are the regional experiences about “combination of instruments” for Advanced Manufacturing?

 What works and what does not?

Friday, 19th May 2017

Innobasque headquarters

Bizkaiko Teknologia Parkea / Parque Tecnológico de Bizkaia

Laida Bidea 203, 48170 Zamudio

Learning journey - Day 3

Project management - Part 1 (09:30-10:30)

09:30 Explanation of the project procedures, management & certification. Technical advisors (1 hour)

 Project Partnership Agreement’s explanation (including the manual of procedures)

 Communication manual & communication plan

 Output & results indicators

 First Level Control (FLC)

 First reporting period


10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break (30 min.)

Project management - Part 2 (11:00-11:30)

11:00 Monitoring of the project: progress of the activity and evolution of the indicators. Innobasque (30 min.)

Upcoming steps (11:30-13:30)

11:30 Peer-review exercises:


 Presentation of the peer-review methodologies and insights from the baseline study. Orkestra

 (30 min.)

 Discussion among all partners. All partners (30 min.)

12:30 Next steps/action items & dates to resolve. All partners (30 min.)

13:00 Preparation of the 2nd learning journey on “Monitoring and indicators” hosted by MOSTA in Lithuania. All partners (30 min.)