Owing to the coronavirus pandemic, the 4th stakeholder meeting of the Medtehc4 Europe project took place in online form on Tuesday 26 May 2020 between 14:00-15:00 hours p.m. Besides the organiser, the South Transdanubian Regional Innovation Agency, the Managing Authority of the Economic Development and Innovation Operational Programme (EDIOP) representing the Ministry of Finance, the Biophysics Institute of the Medical School of the University of Pécs and the external consultants of the Agency (Open Inno Ltd.) attended the event.
Following the presentation of the lessons learnt from the Copenhagen study visit organised in early February 2020, the external experts of the Agency introduced in detail the four actions proposed to serve the more effective, more targeted meeting of medical technology needs by the EDIOP. These actions are as follows:
1. reducing medical technology companies fragmentation with encouraging their cooperation / Support of networks of the medical technology companies,
2. entrepreneurship training program for start-ups,
3. providing an online advisory service platform: product development, brand development, intellectual law, patenting, taxing, financing,
4. capacity building of medical technology companies.
On the meeting with 13 participants being present the Agency received detailed reflections on the above themes. Taking those into consideration the Hungarian action plan of the project is continuously elaborated, and it is scheduled to be finished by November 2020.