Developing a community of stakeholders committed to cooperate and to develop new projects is key to scaling up Romania’s NMP ecosystem. This was the focus of the actions undertaken by the regional partners, UPB and UEFISCDI, in this semester.

As the former participants in the NMP-REG regional workshops developed stronger relations, some of them agreed to continue the cooperation under the umbrella of the NANO4MANU community.

Along with this achievement, a great accomplishment was to have new innovation projects related to NMP submitted under the national call PTE2019: Transfer to the economic operator by the regional stakeholders.

Last but not least, in line with the Action Plan, a thematic event called `Workshop NMP-REG Project: Nano4Manu Platform` was organised as side-event of the 1st International Conference “Medical Materials Science & Engineering –BIOMAT” on 21 February 2020. The topics approached are key drivers of innovation today and if we look now, only a few days after the event, at the COVID-19 pandemic, it becomes clear that nanomaterials, nanotechnologies and advanced materials have the potential to help states to tackle this unprecedented health and social challenge.

Reiterating the importance of NMP for the development of the innovation ecosystem, UEFISCDI and UPB will continue in the next two semesters of Action Plan implementation to support the collaboration between key regional actors, bringing them together to build a vision and concrete co-creation actions.

Here below some pictures taken from the workshop.