The five NMP-REG regions implemented their Action Plans in project Phase 2. This page gathers concrete and successful results obtained by the partnership. Action Plans Results are divided into the following activities:
NMP-REG’s final event was organised during the virtual EWRC on 15th October 2020. The event “Future Clusters in Innovation Ecosystems” was held jointly with two other Interreg Europe projects CLUSTERIX 2.0 and CLUSTERFY.
You can see the recording of the whole event here.
And the video about cluster results in NMP-REG here.
The work carried out by the NMP-REG partnership was based on interregional exchange of experience and good practice, communication and stakeholder involvement. From this, action plans were developed to improve policy instruments, encourage more and better-targeted funding, and support new or improved models for technology exploitation based on cooperation across the regional innovation chain. From this cooperation, the partnership is proud to share a substantial document summarising the final results in the different participating regions:
This page will be updated regularly until the end of the project, so check back in regularly.