On the 7th and 8th of April 2021, the Region of Thessaly hosted online the 5th Interregional Partner Meeting of the OptiWaMag project

During the first day of the event, took place the session of interregional mutual learning and exchange of good practices with the participation of project partners and involved stakeholders of the project’s Regions. A broad range of actions and practices that support innovation in waste management both in urban spaces and in households were presented to decision makers and practitioners of the involved local communities.

During the first part of the session, Region of Thessaly presented the state of play on waste management on regional and national level, focusing on the objectives of the new National Waste Management Plan which aims to reduce landfill at 10% and increase recycling to 60% in 2030. Following, the three (3) Solid Waste Management Associations (SWMA) of Thessaly, namely PADYTH S.A, FoDSA of Larissa and SYDISA, provided detailed information about their current and planned activities mentioning the importance of the upcoming Mechanical Biological Treatment plants for waste and biowaste are expected to optimize waste management process in Thessaly. In addition, the SWMA highlighted good practices on home composting and pesticide packaging recycling programmes that have been successfully implemented in the Region.

The second part of the interregional mutual learning session included the presentation of good practices on waste management in the Regions of the OptiWaMag project.
The session ended with a discussion among the participants on the experience and practical knowledge gained from the elaboration of the above practices with a special focus on transferring opportunities based on the needs and perspectives of the participating Regions.
The agenda of the second day of the Interregional Meeting included the monitoring of the financial and physical object of the OptiWaMag project and the coordination of the partnership for the following two Semesters of the Phase 1 activities and particularly for the preparation of the Regional Action Plans.

In addition, during the second day, the Expert Task Force (ETF) and Steering Group meetings took place setting the work plan and the deadlines of the upcoming activities.