Radio Interview about the OSS Project on CADENA SER- RADIO GRANADA.

On 13th of November, the Head of the Enterprise Promotion and New Business Section of the County Council of Granada, Josefa Guerrero Gónzalez, held an interview in the radiophonic space called “Being Entrepreneur”, on Cadena SER-Radio Granada.


In this interview, she was asked about the OSS project as well as about the European partners and local stakeholders. She highlighted the fact that this project boosts the exchange of good practices to improve advisory and support services for entrepreneurs, among the different countries involved, so that those experiences can be replicated in others.

It was also underlined the fact that the project, thanks to a scheduled calendar of monthly virtual meetings and biannual face to face ones (that used to be like this before the sanitary crisis of the COVID 19 and on line in this current situation), fosters the generation of meeting spaces where the local stakeholders are able to present their experiences and good practices, holding a network of cooperation among them. In the case of the Grenadian stakeholders, UGR Emprendedora (University of Granada Entrepreneurship), GDR (Local Development Group) Alfanevada, the Motril Chamber of Commerce and the IDEA (Innovation and Development Andalusian) Agency, had the opportunity to present their good practices in a transnational forum around the topics of Digital solutions for SMEs, Mentoring, Governance and Financing for SMEs.

Finally, it was discussed the project horizon which aims to design and implement 2 or 3 specific pilot actions. This allows the effective improvement of the entrepreneurship ecosystem in the province of Granada, sustainable through the time, even after the date of the project completion in May of 2023. At this point, the design of two of those actions has begun, framed into the line of improving the collaborative work between entities supporting the entrepreneurship in the province of Granada, such as the implementation of a shared online Agenda of events, training, grants and awards for entrepreneurship, and one Catalogue of entities supporting entrepreneurs in the province of Granada, with a web map interface, so that users can apply through a filters system. The entrepreneur can access to an individual card of each entity supporting entrepreneurship, available for them in the province. It emphasized the need for the commitment of all the private and public entities that are part of the network of key agents in the province of Granada to launch both pilot actions.