Lublin Science and Technology Park
Does the science cooperate with technology?
The 4th example of Good Practices in the subject of incubation and physical space for startups and new entrepreneurs, was an example of Lublin Science and Technology Park. The goal of this institution was presented by Mr. Andrii Myrovich, who is the representative of this unit.
Lublin Science and Technology Park was established in 2005 on the initiative of the Lublin Voivodship Office and the University of Life Sciences in Lublin. Already in 2009, the first building was put into operation, which soon became the seat of the Genetic Research Laboratory. In March 2009, the first companies moved to the LPNT building, including the Lublin Consulting Center, which organized training courses and conferences. Lublin University of Technology has located its institutions in the building, such as laboratories in the field of biomedical engineering, which the university created together with the Medical University.
The task of the Lublin Science and Technology Park is to facilitate the flow of knowledge between business and science. Our team helps novice entrepreneurs in starting and running their own business and in technology transfer. We provide real estate and technical infrastructure, providing entrepreneurs with favorable conditions for running a business.
The building of LSTP consists of 5 segments:
Segment 1 and 2 - Technology Incubator
Segment 3 - Exhibition space
Segment 4 - Conference room
Segment 5 - Management office and office and laboratory space
In the building of the Lublin Science and Technology Park there are 4 training rooms with an area of 60 m2, which can be arranged in any way. The theater arrangement allows for up to 50 people in one room. The rooms are equipped with multimedia projectors, screens, flipcharts and Wi-Fi access. It is possible to equip the rooms with portable computers.
Park creates an atmosphere and provides tools for the rapid development of innovative ideas. We offer many free trainings, we provide offices and conference rooms, we organize a lot of events and competitions for start-up owners. The Technology Incubator helps novice entrepreneurs to start and run their own business. This assistance includes, inter alia, lease of office space on preferential terms with appropriate infrastructure, access to specially equipped rooms (conference room, office space) and provision of advisory services in the field of law, accounting, marketing, business plan development.
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