I suppose all of us had such a situation...

You're in a foreign city...

don't know where to go ...

don't know how to get to specific places, right?

There's one startup that makes our life better in Poland - jakdojade. jakodaje.pl it's an application that was developed and is managed in Poznań by the CITY-Nav.


It is an application thanks to which you will find a connection by public transport, and is available in the web and mobile version for iOS and Android. The website finds optimal communication links, including transfers, changes in timetables, walking times and many other parameters. It also offers access to schedules from over 40 Polish cities.


This application allows you to plan travel by many means of communication of various carriers along with sections on foot. The service has been operating since September 2008. Initially, it functioned only in Poznań, with time it started cooperation with the city carrier. From mid-April 2011, it is also possible to search for connections within the cities serviced by Przewozy Regionalne trains. By 2012, the service was based on the Google Maps technology. Due to changes in the Google map license, it was replaced with the Emapa solution. It is also co-financed from the European Regional Development Program.


In 2008, the jury and the audience awarded the site the second place in the competition for new IT projects Democamp, and in 2010 it was awarded the Auler award for entities being a model for other start-up ventures.

Honestly, while taking any trips, I do also use this app. I might congratulate to creators for such helpful invention.