Yesterday, the 590 Congress has started in Polish G2A Arena in Jasionka, near Rzeszow. We'll write about that next time, but now I'd like to give you some information about the event that has been joint to the Congress - 590 GOLD BUG TROPHY HACKATHON.

Privacy and online security, protection against cyber terrorism, threats resulting from unethical actions of enterprises - this is the subject of the above-mentioned hackathon. The event is taking place in the Aeropolis Podkarpackie Science and Technology Park.


Programmers and specialists from other fields who want to present their ideas for solutions in the subject of increasing network security and enabling adequate data protection, take part in the competition. The competition will last 36 hours (not much time left).


The jury consists of representatives of business and administration who assess the participants' solutions but also advise them on the substantive and implementation issues. The best prizes include cash prizes - the main prize of PLN 30,000 and two distinctions of PLN 10,000 each.


The competition organizers also want to commemorate the eminent Polish cryptologists: Jan Kowalewski, who broke the Soviet ciphers during the Polish-Bolshevik war, as well as the conquerors of the German Enigma Marian Rejewski, Jerzy Różycki and Henryk Zygalski. They became patrons of the event.

Fingers crossed for participants!

I'm curious what solution they will present :)