These are direct words, written by our Project Partner:

BSC Kranj, Regional Development Agency of Gorenjska region, was very active purchasing our aim to support entrepreneurs to grow and develop also during hard times of COVID – 19 pandemics. All our staff were working remotely but was available all time to entrepreneurs and other stakeholders via phones, emails and social media accounts. All our support services for entrepreneurs were available all time such as consulting, new company registrations and others

BSC Kranj is also running coworking centre Kovačnica, which is one of the biggest and most prominent coworking centres in the region. Our coworking centre is currently home for more the 30 companies, entrepreneurs and freelancers. During COVID – 19 pandemic we offer them free rent for March, April in May in order to help them in those difficult time.

We also continued our work on OSS (One Stop Shop) project where we stayed in close contact with our partners and stakeholder group members. We changed our plan a bit so instead of face to face meeting in Granada, Spain we organized an online meeting where we learnt some new best practises on how to support entrepreneurs.

A big part of our work during these times was also connected to launching our newest entrepreneurial project KOVAČNICA Business Incubator Kranj.

Kovačnica Business Incubator, Kranj, opened its doors during the epidemic COVID 19, the incubator is currently running 2 business support programs. The first program is a program for companies that specialize in the food sector, where selected participants receive full support in the field of the food business for the next 5 months. The second program is one on one consulting sessions (up to 70 hours of mentoring and expert consulting) for companies or individuals that have innovative ideas and want to develop them or scale them. Our focus during the pandemic was also advising companies on how to apply for grants for prototype manufacturing, that will help them shape the affected business environment in the future. You can find more info here (English version of our web page is coming soon )