Granada Provincial Council, within the European Interreg OSS framework, has promoted a SWOT analysis to obtain a depth vision of the entrepreneurship ecosystem's current situation in the whole province.

In order to carry out the study, it has been necessary the cooperation of all the first-line entities supporting entrepreneurs, both depending on public or private administrations and with the collaboration of the entrepreneurs themselves. Huge fieldwork has been developed to know each entity's services offer, thanks to the elaboration of 180 interviews between the involved agents.

Three thematic axes have been identified to articulate the way in which the network of entities that support entrepreneurship can take full advantage of the services they offer and their technical teams: improving the collaborative work between them, promoting actions to reinforce the entrepreneurial culture, and actions to improve the entrepreneurship process assuring its success.

On the one hand, the main services offered by the entities is focus on the information needed to set up a new business (funding, administrative processes for its constitution...), advising, tutoring, and mentoring. Besides, it is really helpful for the organization of meetings and forums to share experiences and to reinforce commercial relations between entrepreneurs (networking, sectorial ecosystems access, ecosystems…)


On the other hand, it has been tested the entrepreneurs ‘profile. From their experiences and opinions, it has concluded that there is a high level of business activity in the province of Granada when compared to other Spanish regions. But the initiatives to set up a business used to fail, and there is a low density of businesses established in the territory.

The entrepreneurs are highly aware of the need for digitalization and training that opens a huge space for actions regarding the type of advice necessary to improve entrepreneurship in the province of Granada.

Granada Provincial Council has shared the SWOT analysis with all the European OSS project partners.

The report of SWOT analysis may be found HERE.