The support platform for entrepreneurs and freelancers promoted by the Granada Provincial Council, through the website, has reinforced its advisory and assistance work due to the sanitary and economic crisis caused by the outbreak of COVID-19 in the region.

The website, managed by the Employment and Sustainable Development Office of the Provincial Institution, thanks to the technical experience accumulated during its more than ten years of existence, has adopted during the crisis the role of providing direct access to the possibilities offered by the measures adopted during the pandemic, and to all the information that may be of interest to SMEs, freelancers and entrepreneurs in the province, published as a result of the different regulations that are being approved both from the state and regional levels, and motivated by the impact of the COVID in the local and national economy.

Some of the measures taken, which we highlight below, are the postponement of contributions and the payment of the debts to social security, as well as the flexibility of the supply of electricity and/or natural gas contracts for freelancers and companies, the postponement of the mortgage of the place where economic activity is carried out, the pension plans recovery in the event of an activity cessation and the extraordinary postponement of the repayment schedule in loans granted by Autonomous Communities and Local Entities to entrepreneurs and self-employed affected by the sanitary crisis caused by COVID19, among others.