On 27 May 2020, our Bulgarian partner had run a short meeting with local stakeholders. The meeting took place in Sofia TECH Park. "Sofia Tech Park" JSC is a state-owned company, which aims to boost the development of research, innovation and technological capabilities of Bulgaria through implementing different projects. For this purpose, “Sofia Tech Park” will partner with private and public institutions in order to create and manage a unique environment for innovation, build and implement educational programs and provide support to the commercialization of new technologies, products and services.     


The meeting was organized by Agency for Regional and Economic Development, Vratsa. As the first point, Project Partner with local stakeholders had a chance to discuss the ideas of Good Practices shared by partnership, which could be transfered to Bulgarian startup ecosystem. All of invited stakehodlers agreed that because of current situation, getting any changes done, could be difficult as the Bulgaria was in a lockdown phase that time. And that was also a part of discussion during the meeting. As the Covid-19 pandemic had some impact on almost every economic area, that subject also couldn't be ommitted. Stakeholders run also very active discussion on the subject, how the pandemic situation may influence on the first line services for startupers. Attendants of the meeting also discussed about the Action Plan that is going to be prepared soon as part of our project implementation. I will share with you some relevant news really soon, as the next step of our work is to start preparing Action Plan for the policy changes in partnership areas.