We're proud that lots of startups incubated in Science and Technology Park, AEROPOLIS that is run by Polish Partner - Rzeszow Regional Development Agency - are succeed on the market. Such an example is Colorland that has a huge success in the Polish and European market.


     Photo shared by Colorland

What Colorland is?

Colorland Team is a leader in the photographic personalized digital printing industry in Poland and one of the leading producers in Europe. They are incubated in  the Aeropolis, where they   print and send photographs in various forms, e.g. photo books, photo calendars, photo images to their customers. I must admit that they products are of the highest quality.

They started their investments in Aeropolis in 2014, when they bought the first plot and started building their headquarters. They currently have one of the most modern photo printers in Europe, and investments in the Park have exceeded PLN 100 million.

Thanks to proprietary solutions, the company from Aeropolis has been maintaining its leading position for several years. Develops sales on several European markets, such as Great Britain, Ireland, Spain, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Germany, France, Italy, Belgium and Austria, and for two years sells to the USA and Canada. - These are demanding markets due to their maturity in the photoproduct segment, as well as logistics and time differences. Collecting experience on the American continent should be a kind of springboard for exploring subsequent continents - says the head of the Colorland Team and points out that each company is made up of people, so success depends on their enthusiasm and creativity.

To check their offer, visit their WEBSITE