At the digital final conference of P-IRIS the partners presented a P-IRIS position paper. The project is initially asked for by our Managing Authorities. At the P-IRIS Final Conference the 11th of February the partners summarized our work done for more than 4 years and presented recommendations as 7 key messages. The position paper was handed over to representatives of our Managing Authorities (MAs) since they are the main target group. They discussed our suggestions in a Round Table session where each of them was challenged to point at one or two messages they found especially important for their region. The P-IRIS message to create co-working spaces got a lot of attention. Several of the MAs pointed at the importance of targeting the digital skills of young people as an asset for the future. The MAs of Lombardy and Vestland pointed at skills in managing innovation networks as important. The representatives of the MAs promised to follow ut on our 7 messages in their respective regions.
Read the 7 key messages. At the end of the document, you will also find a summary of P-IRIS’ good practises.
The P-IRIS Lead Partner’s presentation is available here