The first PASSPARTOOL thematic workshop addresses the topic of “Non-R&D driven innovation" and is organised in two separate online sessions. Together they pursue three interrelated aims:
- to build a shared and more sophisticated understanding of non-R&D driven innovation;
- to identify interesting practices/experiences within the Passpartool consortium;
- to explore the implications for monitoring and evaluating this type of activities.
In this online session, partners and stakeholders will share information on a selection of good practices and will discuss the monitoring and evaluation implications of the selected good practices.
Date 29nd June 2020
participation on Zoom
contact the organization ([email protected]) to obtain the invitation on Zoom
15:00 - 15:10
Welcome and introduction to the event - Jennifer Grisorio (ARTI Puglia)
15:10 - 15:20
Transversal lessons and summary of Session 1 - Thijs Broekhuizen (University of Groningen)
15:20 - 15:40
Concepts, instruments and monitoring for non-R&D innovation - Dimitrios Pontikaki (JRC European Commission), Yannis Tolias (Innovatia Systems)
15:40 - 15:50
Plenary Q&A with the expert - Elisabetta Marinelli (expert in Regional Development, Research and Innovation Policy)
15:50 - 16:20
Participatory Exercise - moderated by Elisabetta Marinelli (expert in Regional Development, Research and Innovation Policy)
1. A general reflection
The moderator invites participants to reflect on the presentations, by answering the question:
How has your understanding of the monitoring of non-R&D innovation changed following these presentations?”
“What do you take home in relation to your non-R&D policy instruments?
2. A focus on the Good Practices:
The moderator invites the good practice partners to answer the following questions:
How do you think you should monitor your instrument?
What should you measure? How?
What challenges do you foresee?
3. Feedback from the experts on the good-practices:
Experts provide some immediate reactions to the observation of the Good Practice partners.
16:20 - 16:30
Conclusions and next steps - Jennifer Grisorio (ARTI Puglia)