Participants explore examples of practices regarding the measurement of the effectiveness of policy instruments at stimulating SME innovation in the Northern Neatherlands.

The event aims to contribute to the identification of integrated instruments to foster SME-innovation in a structural way and collect the outcomes in a Feedback Report.


13.00 How to monitor the effectiveness of policy instruments aimed at stimulating SME innovation? - Thijs Broekhuizen (UoG)

        - Why would you (not) evaluate policy instruments?
        - How to measure whether the expected innovation outcomes are realized by a policy instrument?
        - Case-study: Evaluation of the KEI subsidy scheme
        - What does the subsidy scheme entail, how did we setup an evaluation to accurately evaluate the           effects, and how we used the results of the evaluation to improve the scheme?

        In a break-out sessions, participants are asked to discuss: How can the degree to which expected
    innovation outcomes are realized by a policy instrument be measured? Under what
    circumstances does an impact analysis of a policy instrument make sense? What options do the
    partners have to monitor and evaluate in their region?

13.30 Presentation by local stakeholder - Lian de Boer (Municipality of Groningen)

        how the new approach of the municipality by promoting innovation via contests to improve
    services and the innovation power of SMEs, how collaborating with government bodies
    may be effective

14.00 Experience of local SME to participate in the Innovation Monitor. Why, how, what? - Nicole Bakker

14.15 BREAK

14.30 The next steps: how to develop integrated instruments to foster SME-innovation in a structural
way (‘innovation escalator’ 
model). Role of monitoring - SNN & Experts

15.35 BREAK

15.55 Good learnings and conclusions of the day - SNN, University of Groningen and Experts

16.15 End of the Study Visit